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Friday, March 7, 2008

Take it to the polls

oh & heres a post i forgot to put up, more Obama..

countless of videos to persuade you to vote for Barack Obama, whether you choose to or not is on you ..but do vote!

Jin - Open Letter to Obama

reggaeton!! lol

even a "This is why Im Hot" remix..

tell your mama to vote for obama


& recently Russell Simmons and Jay-Z went public about endorsing Obama

Today I am announcing my personal endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. During the last nine months, I have closely observed the presidential campaigns, analyzed the issues and platforms of the major candidates, and have had substantive discussions with Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. From the sidelines of the primaries and debates, I have been particularly inspired by the fact that Senator Obama has built an unprecedented, national movement comprised of people from all ethnic, racial, political, social and economic backgrounds.

In particular, the response to Obama by young voters across America continues to be monumental. Obama's leadership, passion and demand for a change resonates effectively with the aspirations of millions of people who want a better quality of life. This is truly a transcendent and historic moment in American politics and I am obligated not to remain on the sidelines.

Although I have great respect for the accomplishments of Senator Clinton and I have personally worked with Senator Clinton successfully on issues concerning education, prison reform and poverty, I am now compelled by my own personal conscience to publicly state, "I support and endorse Barack Obama for President."

As the Chairman of the non-partisan, nonprofit The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, it is my personal opinion that Senator Obama's campaign for President has and will continue to transcend race in America and have a profound positive impact on the very issues I have been fighting for my whole life. Many of you know my work as Chairman of the non-partisan, nonprofit Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. Hip-Hop as a cultural phenomenon is also about transformation and taking action to end poverty, war and ignorance. While I am endorsing Senator Obama as a private citizen, I am in complete solidarity with the transformative consciousness of the growing number artists and young people from the hip-hop generation that are overwhelmingly supporting Obama.

Russell Simmons

Jay-Z on Obama

Honestly I never seen so many people getting involved, yes one of the reasons may be because I am older, my friends are older ..but also because we want change.

8 years of Bush is waaaay more than enough (still amazed how that happend)

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