
<3 <3 <3

Friday, November 9, 2007

the begining..

a blog! lol ..ok so with the some what free time i get sometimes & when im actually on the computer im completely hooked on blogs (fuck myspace! lolol) definitely check them out under dope blogs/sites!

anways, just keepin first post short & simple ..i'll be adding anything i feel i would like to share :D

and of course being the big hova fan i ammmmmm...

Jay, Nas & Diddy?! beautiful!

“The great thing about Puff.. What I really realized is.. He’s a great producer..” - Jay-Z

Jay speaks about the production for American Gangster at an interview with Charlie Rose (who watches PBS?? lol)

(to watch it -

anyways, there HAS to be a continuation!!! one of the best videos for 2007!!

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